Friday, February 28, 2020

Chapter 9 notes

1. Yes I do believe that Gatsby is good I think he’s a genuinely good person although he might not achieve things the right way he has good intentions.
2. No I don’t think he is being honest with himself , he keeps so many secrets. He hangs out with a lot of dishonest people because he tries not to judge them before he gets to know them. 
3.yes I do think that it’s true that daisy and Tom are careless people. Gatsby would literally do anything for daisy he would take the blame for something that he didn’t do if that meant daisy would be with him. Tom would cheat on daisy then claim he loved her, that is not real love. 
4. I do not understand daisy’s behavior. She’s very confusing one minute she wants to be with Gatsby and the next she wants to be with Tom. I would not let her date anyone in my family or any of my closest friends. 
5.when he said “ boats against the current” he meant like a sign of struggle , fighting to survive. It relates to the book because Gatsby has been fighting for daisy for years , and Nick was fighting for information and answers. 

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Chapter 7 notes

1. Gatsby stops having parties because he doesn’t want people finding out about him and daisy.
2. Gatsby fires his staff because he doesn’t want many people knowing about him and daisy. He replaces the staff with people related to Mayer wolfshiem.
3. Daisy is very excited to see her daughter but Gatsby on the other hand was kind of nervous and awkward towards her.
4. Gatsby tell Tom that him and daisy are together and the daisy never loved Tom.
5. Daisy runs over Wilson (toms girlfriend ) and kills her but hasn’t did he would take the blame.
6. Tom and daisy were talking in the kitchen and she was confiding in Tom while Gatsby was waiting for her. I think daisy is confused but Is causing more damage to both of them by not telling them how she feels exactly.

Monday, January 27, 2020

Im ignited

The 3 questions that really interested me were , why are school dress codes mostly enforced on females ? , why do we dream ? And , how does the law of attraction work ?

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

On self reliance part 3

Emerson says that just because we do certain things that make us look good doesn’t actually mean we’re good people and I agree with him . You don’t always wanna hear that your doing a good job because we all know it could be a lie I would rather hear what I didn’t do right so I could work on it and make it better. Instead of just doing something because it looks good we should do it because we care about the situation.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

On self reliance part 2

Emerson wanted us to know that we can’t be our best if we don’t try or put in our best effort into what we’re doing. Society is like a bully they always find something to use against us. Everybody wants to fit in because they’re afraid to be themselves and stand out. Why does it have to be like that ? Why can’t everyone just be themselves without having to worry about being made fun of or feeling insecure?

Monday, November 4, 2019

First impression of “on self-reliance “

My first impression on this essay was that he wasn’t afraid to say what he felt. He didn’t sugar coat what he was saying because he was scared people weren’t going to like what he was saying. He said what he was thinking and didn’t care what people thought about it because he realized that we are responsible for our own lives nobody else is. That is was caught my attention because I feel like most people haven’t realized that.