Wednesday, November 6, 2019

On self reliance part 3

Emerson says that just because we do certain things that make us look good doesn’t actually mean we’re good people and I agree with him . You don’t always wanna hear that your doing a good job because we all know it could be a lie I would rather hear what I didn’t do right so I could work on it and make it better. Instead of just doing something because it looks good we should do it because we care about the situation.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

On self reliance part 2

Emerson wanted us to know that we can’t be our best if we don’t try or put in our best effort into what we’re doing. Society is like a bully they always find something to use against us. Everybody wants to fit in because they’re afraid to be themselves and stand out. Why does it have to be like that ? Why can’t everyone just be themselves without having to worry about being made fun of or feeling insecure?

Monday, November 4, 2019

First impression of “on self-reliance “

My first impression on this essay was that he wasn’t afraid to say what he felt. He didn’t sugar coat what he was saying because he was scared people weren’t going to like what he was saying. He said what he was thinking and didn’t care what people thought about it because he realized that we are responsible for our own lives nobody else is. That is was caught my attention because I feel like most people haven’t realized that.